Boyce Law Firm’s Workers’ Compensation and Employment Group Publishes New Blog
In order to provide the most up-to-date content on the changes in the field of workers’ compensation and employment, the attorneys in the Workers’ Compensation and Employment Group have officially launched a Workers’ Compensation and Employment Blog which can be found at By following the link, you can subscribe to the blog on the right-hand side of the webpage, which will send you a confirmation email for you to validate your subscription request. After that, anytime we post a new blog you will receive an email update alerting you to the post. The hope in publishing the blog is to provide you the changes or updates in the law in a more timely fashion. A post will appear on the blog when a new case has been published, or to address hot topics effecting workers’ compensation and/or employment law.
In order to provide the most relevant content feedback regarding the information that is posted is welcome. Additionally, if there is a certain topic you would like addressed, please let one of the attorneys in the Workers’ Compensation and Employment Group know. We want our blog to be informational, insightful and helpful to each of you, and we will make any changes necessary to ensure that is the result.